»   » Brackets and Corbels

Architectural Features  » Brackets and Corbels

Brackets and CorbelsBrackets and corbels perform a function - they hold something up; anything from a shelf to a roof structure, usually tying the horizontal or diagonal to the vertical. Since classical times, corbels and brackets have also had a decorative function. Look in a typical Norman church in Britain and you will invariably see a myriad of carved stone corbels supporting roof beams, or either side of doorways. All manner of decoration can be found on these corbels, from stylised flower patterns to carved heads and grotesques. The Victorians were particular proponents of the decorative bracket. When ironmaking was at its height in the 19th Century, huge numbers of decorative cast iron brackets were produced, ranging from small cherub brackets for holding a loo cistern, to massive ornate brackets for holding up bridges or station platforms. We sell a fantastic range of reclaimed and antique corbels and brackets. We often have 18th and 19th Century carved stone or timber corbels for holding ceiling beams; reclaimed large cast iron brackets from railway stations or other large public buildings; carved wooden porch brackets and a good range of old and reproduction decorative shelf brackets in cast iron, brass and wood.

Reclamation Products

Pair of Decorative Corbels Embossed G. Jennings £0
Pair of Decorative Corbels Embossed G. Jennings
Pair of Large Ornate Cast Iron Brackets £300
Pair of Large Ornate Cast Iron Brackets
Pair of Reclaimed Wooden Corbels £95
Pair of Reclaimed Wooden Corbels
Pair of Reclaimed Wooden Corbels £0
Pair of Reclaimed Wooden Corbels
Reclaimed Wooden Corbel Set of 3 £75
Reclaimed Wooden Corbel Set of 3
Cast Iron Canopy/Porch Supports £145
Cast Iron Canopy/Porch Supports
Reclaimed Stone Corbel £0
Reclaimed Stone Corbel
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair) £45
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair)
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair) £45
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair)
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair) £55
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair)
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair) £55
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair)
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair) £60
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair)
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair) £60
Small Handmade Wooden Corbel (Pair)
Small Handmade Oak Corbel (Pair) £70
Small Handmade Oak Corbel (Pair)
Small Corbel (Gibbs and Canning) £0
Small Corbel (Gibbs and Canning)
Large Corbel (Gibbs and Canning) £0
Large Corbel (Gibbs and Canning)

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